1. Click here to get your embed code, highlight it and copy it to your clipboard.
2. Edit the page where you want to add your Store Locator.
3. You'll need to add a new Embed block to hold your new store locator. There will be an existing block (probably a Text block) inside the page Section that you're editing as shown below. Move your mouse cursor until it's hovering over the '+' icon above the existing block:

4. One you're in the right area, it will appear as shown below. Click on the '+' icon to add a new block:

5. Choose a type of 'Embed'

6. Click on the '</>' button to Embed Data

7. Paste our installation code from Step 1 into the box.

9. Click into the page somewhere outside the Embed code box and then save the page. Note, the store locator won't work UNTIL you press the Save button because in the page editor all scripts are disabled (see screenshot below):