Using URL parameters to alter store locator software behavior

Support > Advanced Topics > Using URL parameters to alter store locator software behavior

You can add parameters to the URL for the page on which your store locator is embedded to control it's behavior when the store locator first loads. For example, the initial starting position and zoom level, presetting Filters and also to conduct an initial address search.
To add a parameter, you just need to append it to the URL of your locator. For example, to add the 'slwaddress' parameter which is used to set the address when the store locator first loads, you would change your URL from to
Note, space characters need to be replaced with '%20' which is required for URL encoding purposes.
Searching for an address at load
  • slwaddress - search for this address when the locator first loads. A special case is setting this to slwaddress=Geolocate which tells the locator to automatically geolocate the user when the store locator first loads.
  • slwradius - set the search radius
  • slwstore - display store by name at page load. If you have multiple stores with the same name, you can add a search for the store's address with a | character. For example, slwstore=STORENAME|ADDRESS will return the first store with the name exactly matching STORENAME where ADDRESS appears somewhere in it's full address.
General parameters
  • slwfilters - preset any of the Filters, separate multiple filters with a comma. Filters do not need to be visible for this to work.
  • slwcategories - preset any of the Categories, separate multiple categories with a comma. Categories do not need to be visible for this to work.
  • slwlat - the latitude coordinate
  • slwlng - the longitude coordinate
  • slwzoom - the zoom level