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Accessing your Search and Click data inside Google Sheets via JSON
JSON is a standard protocol for sending data between applications and it can be used to access your store locator's Search and Click data inside a Google Sheets automatically. This allows you to automate the process of analysing your store locator performance and generate your own custom business analytics.
How do I change the order in which locations are listed when the locator first loads
One question we're frequently asked is set the order in which locations are listed when the store locator first loads. Up until now, this was only possible by making a change in the Bulk Import file or by manually setting the Display Order for each location, however we've released a new update to make this a lot easier.
How do I prioritize certain locations above others
There may be a scenario where you want to allow locations to be prioritized in your list of stores depending on certain criteria. For example, you might want a particular location to always show at the top of your store list (if, for example it is an Online store) or perhaps only to show when there are no locations listed within the specified search radius from the address searched. Another criteria might be to show a location at the top of the list if it is within a certain number of miles from the searched address.
How do I stop street number matches appearing in the address autocompletion list
You can choose to limit the suggestions appearing in the address autocompletion list shown below to just zip (post) codes and cities if you don't want the first line of street addresses to appear.
How our Ratings and Reviews system works
How our Ratings and Reviews system works
How to add a localised language version of the store name and address to your locator
You might want to be able to have your store names, addresses or other fields on the locator displayed in a different language. For example, a French or Thai version of the locator which is fully localised in terms of the details presented to the user (and not just the language of the interface). Here's our guide to setting this up.
How to integrate your store locator software with Google Analytics
In this guide we describe how to integrate your store locator software with Google Analytics. This guide can also be used to integrate your locator with any external script.
How to limit address autocompletion to specific countries
When you start typing an address into the input field at the top of our locator, it will pop up a list of suggested addresses which match the partial address that you've entered. You have the option of choosing countries from a list.
How to link an address search field to your store locator software
One useful piece of functionality that you might want to add to your website or online store is the ability to link an address search field to your store locator so that when customers enter an address into the search field, an address lookup is automatically performed in the store locator. For example, you might have a small search box on your home page which allows customers to enter a zip code or post code to search for which will immediately open up your store locator.
How to set up product locator pages using filtering
One of the questions we get commonly asked is "Can I set up my Store Locator so that our customers can filter based on the type of product a store sells?". The short answer is yes you can and in this blog article we explain how this is done.
How to track Google Adwords Conversions and Goals in your store locator software
In this guide we describe how to integrate your store locator software with Google Adwords conversion tracking
How to track Search and Click events in Google Tag Manager
In this guide we describe how to integrate your store locator with Google Tag Manager for the purposes of conversion tracking
How to track your usage of the Google Maps API
As you probably already know, access to the Google Maps API is almost certainly required for your locator to work properly. The background for why and when this is needed can be found in our blog article.
Using HTML embed code parameters to alter store locator software behavior
The HTML Embed code is the piece of HTML which is added to your web page to display your store locator. You can add additional parameters to this embed code to configure certain aspects of the locator such as it's initial starting position and zoom level, to preset Filters and also to conduct an initial address search.
Using URL parameters to alter store locator software behavior
You can add parameters to the URL for the page on which your store locator is embedded to control it's behavior when the store locator first loads. For example, the initial starting position and zoom level, presetting Filters and also to conduct an initial address search.