Support > Mapping Services
Adjusting the default Google Maps style
The Maps JavaScript API team regularly update their API and in August 2024, Google will be adjusting the default Google Maps style as used by your store locator if you use the Google Maps mapping service.
Store locator software mapping service comparison
Our store locator software requires integration with a third party mapping service provider to provide the mapping related services which it depends on. This article allows you to compare how each mapping service appears when integrated with our store locator software.
Store locator software mapping service cost estimator
Our store locator software requires integration with a third party mapping service provider to provide the mapping related services which it depends on. This article has a built in calculator allowing you much each service will cost based on your actual or expected usage (or whether it is free of charge).
Warning about Publicly accessible Google API key for Google Cloud Platform project
If you have received an email with the following message "We have detected a publicly accessible Google API key associated with the following Google Cloud Platform project" then here's what you should do to fix this.
Will Google charge me for my Store Locator software usage
Since Google announced their Google Maps Platform pricing changes in June 2018, we've had a lot of customers asking is if they should expect to be charged for the Google Maps usage in their Store Locator so we've tried to explain this as much as possible in this article.