
Open Directions in Google Maps

A quick update to let you know that we've added an additional option that will open Directions inside an external Google Maps window instead of inside our locator.

A new type of Filtering

There's a couple of ways in which visitors to your store locator might like to filter the list of locations in your locator. Firstly, they might like to see all locations which might one or another filter. For example, they would like to see all locations which sell one product or another. The...

Custom Search Distances

We've just introduced an easy way to customize the search distances available inside your store locator so that you can define precisely which search distances your customers can choose from when narrowing down their search for your locations.

New agency client management features

We've added some new tools to improve the way that you can manage your agency accounts. Now, as an agency you will have a separate page in your admin console which will list all your agency accounts.

Print Directions Customizations now available

We've added Print Directions to our new Custom Layouts and added the option to display them in a new browser window.

New custom maps added

We've added a few new custom map styles to our admin console by special request from some of our customers.

Annual payment plans added

We've added a new annual payment plan option to all our plans for those of you who prefer a single annual payment to monthly payments. Annual payments attract an automatic 10% discount as a thank you for paying in advance.

Canada post codes added to our instant search database

As you may know, we added the capability to search only by US zip code from within our Store Locator. By popular request, we've now added the additional capability to search by Canadian post codes as well giving full coverage to North America.

New Custom Element and Custom Layout support

We've recently added the capability to more comprehensively customise the appearance of your store locator by changing the order in which fields are displayed and also to add your own custom fields.