
What is store locator software?

Store locators are a popular element of the websites of all types of business which have one or more physical premises where product is sold or where they operate from. Whilst the most common term for them is 'store locator software', they are not just used for store locations but to allow...

How to add a Store Locator to your business Facebook page

Integrating a Store Locator in your Business Facebook page can be a valuable way for customers to quickly find their way to your store If you manage, or are building a website for any kind of business with physical premises, then adding a store locator is a great idea. Alternatively, if you sell...

Our Location Management API has been released

Today we're delighted to announce that our Locator Management REST API has been released and is available for all our customers to use. There's a number of possible uses for the API including automating your location management workflow, integration into your website or ERP system.

Displaying a custom selection of locations on different pages

Do you have a requirement to display a custom selection of store locations on different pages on your site? There are a few scenarios where this might be useful such as where you have product pages on your website with an accompanying store locator showing which stores stock those products for sale.

Our new Over and Under Store Locator format is ready to use

For storefronts or websites where you have limited screen real estate available for a Store Locator, our 'Over and Under' Store Locator format could be very useful.

Multi-Language support has now been added to our Store Locator

Today we're pleased to announce that we've launched a new feature that's been requested by a number of our customers: Multi-Language support. This allows you to use a single Store Locator account to deploy versions of the store locator in multiple languages.

Do you want to allow store owners to submit their own location to your store locator?

We've added a new feature which allows store owners / stockists / independent location owners to submit a request to have their location added to your Store Locator.

How to add a Google Maps Store Locator to your website

If you manage, or are building a website for any kind of business with physical premises, then adding a store locator is a great idea. Alternatively, if you sell products through a network of partners, distributors, retailers, stores or stockists and need your customers to be able to find those...

Allowing store owners to add new locations to your Store Locator from your Website

We’ve had a number of customer requests for a way to add new locations to their Store Locator from their Website. Here we talk about why this is needed and a way in which we are proposing to add this functionality.